
  • サービスに関するお問い合わせ
  • 料金プランのご相談
  • その他お問い合わせ


English version follows:


 株式会社 川村インターナショナル 個人情報保護管理責任者 

① お問い合せに適切に回答させていただくため
② 営業・販売促進のため

(1) 法令に基づく場合
(2) 人(法人を含む)の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難である場合
(3) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難である場合
(4) 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合




Ⅶ. お客さまが容易に認識できない方法によって取得する情報について
お申込みのウェブサイトの一部では、ウェブサイトをお客さまにより便利にご利用いただくために、クッキー(Cookie)*を利用しております。 お客さまは、ウェブブラウザの設定を変更することにより、クッキーの受け取りを拒否し、または、クッキーを受け取った場合に警告を表示させることができます。詳しくは、ご使用のブラウザの説明をご覧ください。しかし、クッキーの受け取りを拒否された場合には、ウェブサイトにて提供する「問い合わせ」サービスの全部または一部がご利用できなくなる場合もございますので、ご了承ください。

クッキー(Cookie)*とは、ウェブサイトを管理するウェブサーバとお客さまのウェブブラウザとの間で相互にやりとりされる情報のことをいいます。クッキーは、お客さまのコンピュータのディスクにファイルとして格納されることがあります。 クッキーをご利用になりますと、ウェブサーバは特定のコンピュータがウェブサイト中のどのページを訪れたか等を記録することが可能となります。但し、お客さまがご自身の個人情報をウェブサイト上で入力されない限り、当社はお客さまを特定、識別することはできません。

制定日 平成24年11月01日
改定日 令和2年5月27日

 住所:〒162-0825 東京都新宿区神楽坂6-42 神楽坂喜多川ビル6階
Agreement Concerning the Acquisition of Personal Information from an Inquiry

I. Company name and manager responsible for the protection of personal information
Kawamura International Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Manager

II. Usage of personal information
Personal information obtained in the course of inquiries regarding KI’s business and personal information protection and management systems shall be used only for the purposes below.
1. To respond appropriately to inquiries
2. For sales purposes

Ⅲ. Provision of personal information to third parties and use of such information for purposes other than those stated
KI shall never use personal information that it acquires beyond the scope of the stated purposes or provide such information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual in question.
However, in the following circumstances, personal information may be provided to other parties and used without the consent of the individual.
(1) When there is a legal mandate
(2) In cases where it is necessary in order to protect the life, physical integrity, or property of a person (including corporations), and the consent of the individual cannot be obtained
(3) In cases where it is especially necessary in order to improve public health or ensure the healthy development of children, and the consent of the individual cannot be obtained
(4) In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with legally mandated work performed by national institutions, local public bodies, or parties to whom such work has been subcontracted, and where obtaining the consent of the individual will cause hindrance to the performance of such work

Ⅳ. Processing of personal information by third parties
In the course of business, KI may subcontract some or all of its work and the processing of relevant personal information to a third party. In such cases, KI shall select a third party that is recognized as being able to handle personal information appropriately, and shall have the third party sign a contract or other such agreement that sets forth the requisite matters for the prevention of leakage of personal information, including the appropriate management of information and the maintenance of confidentiality, and ensure the third party implements management in a suitable manner.

Ⅴ. Notification of purpose of use, disclosure, modification, addition, and deletion of personal information, halt of use and erasure of such information, and halt of provision to third parties
An individual to whom personal information held by KI belongs or a representative of the relevant individual may request the notification of purpose of use, disclosure, modification, addition, or deletion of personal information, and the halt of use, erasure, and halt of provision to third parties of such information. If you wish to make such a request, please use the contact details below. To prevent leakage, alteration, or other such problems in terms of personal information from arising in such cases, KI shall deal with the request through the company’s own procedures having first received proof of the individual in question’s identity. Personal information subject to disclosure shall be that outlined in II above.

Ⅵ. Voluntary provision of personal information and what happens when information is not provided
All personal information obtained by KI is provided on a voluntary basis by the relevant individual. However, if a required item of information is not provided, this may cause hindrance to KI’s internal procedures and processing as described for the purposes of acquisition of personal information.

Ⅶ. Acquisition of personal information in a way that is not immediately perceptible to the customer
Some parts of the application website use cookies to make the website more convenient. Customers can change the settings of their web browser to reject cookies or receive a notification when a cookie is received. Please see the instructions for your browser for more details. However, please understand that if cookies are rejected then some or all of the inquiry services provided by the website may become unavailable for use.
Explanation of terminology:
‘Cookie’ refers to information that is exchanged between a web server that manages a website and your web browser. Cookies are sometimes stored as files on the hard drive of your computer. Using cookies enables web servers to keep records of information such as which pages a specific computer has visited on a website. However, KI is unable to identify specific customers as long as you do not enter any personal information on the company’s website.

Created: November 1, 2012
Revised: May 27, 2020

Contact details for requests, complaints and questions: Personal Information Protection Manager
Address: Kagurazaka Kitagawa Building 6F,6-42, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0825
E-mail: privacy@k-intl.co.jp
Tel: 03-3267-0270